Mentoring at the Crossroads of Education, Business and Community
Both EY and MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership (MENTOR) believe strongly in the power of mentoring.
Both organizations look at Mentoring: at the crossroads of education, business and community not only as a way to elevate the practices outlined, but also as a part of creating a dialogue with other organizations that are interested in joining us in spreading both the good word and the good work of getting involved in youth mentoring. Together, we can find the ramps and pathways to productive, sustainable and fulfilling lives for the almost six million 16 to 24-year old's currently disconnected from both school and work.
This report examines private sector engagement in youth mentoring across the United States, starting with an overview of the youth mentoring movement, then offering perspectives on trends and best practices in corporate engagement and snapshots of a range of initiatives.
The pages that follow offer a fascinating look at the many ways that corporate America is engaging, supporting and participating in the youth mentoring movement. Our hope is that these case studies, program profiles and insights from the field will inspire others — from Fortune 500 companies to local and regional business — to get involved in mentoring in a variety of ways.