You Can't Be What You Can't See! STEM Career Awareness for Middle School Girls, featuring Learning Blade
We want to thank everyone for attending the MWM You Can't Be What You Can't See webinar featuring Learning Blade. We also wanted to thank our amazing panelists who shared their experience and efforts in encouraging women and girls to pursue STEM.
For your reference, Learning Blade® is a system of interactive online lessons, teacher lesson plans, and printable at-home activities for 5th to 9th graders, where students learn about high-demand STEM, CTE and Computer Science careers while reviewing academics. Students can use over 400 online lessons in human-centered "Missions" or stories to explore exciting careers aligned to state standards. Teachers also have access to dozens of lesson plans that support innovative project-based learning and classroom activities using common materials. Now includes a 20-hour "Introduction to Coding" course designed for middle school students.
See if your state has free access already at: